Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wait... there are learning styles now?

o k, so I took this test to figure out my learning style. Apparently there are more than just the audio, visual and kinetic things that I've always heard of. Here are my lovely scores.

Active                     X                            Reflexive
           11  9   7   5   3   1   1   3   5   7   9   11
                              <-- -->

      Sensing                                    X            Intuitive 
           11  9   7   5   3   1   1   3   5   7   9   11
                              <-- -->

      Visual                 X                                Verbal
           11  9   7   5   3   1   1   3   5   7   9   11
                              <-- -->

      Sequential                                      X       Global
           11  9   7   5   3   1   1   3   5   7   9   11

 after reading the little write up on just what all these numbers mean, I'm ... still confused. The global style at least makes a lot of sense to me. It nicely summed up how I process new info. Everything I study just sticks as little bits of unrelated info until it all crashes together. I learn like putting together a very complex 1000 piece puzzle without a box to reference, by looking at each small bit until lightening hits and it assembles it. I have lessons learned years ago that are just now starting to make sense.

What I take from this is that there is a huge variety of learning styles and to best help my future students, I should try to include a variety of instructional methods to accommodate them. With a subject like art its pretty easy to incorporate activities that hit on each of the learning styles.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Why I'm going to end up teaching...

I want access to the ceramics room's slab roller and the nice gas kiln... and summer vacation, health insurance, steady pay and some other nonsense about making a difference in students lives, but mostly its the gas kiln. Sweet, sweet cone 6 reduction.

No, I should be serious. I'm a potter and I'm planning to teach ceramics at the high school level as they have hands big enough to work the wheel and brains big enough to understand the artistic process. This career change that isn't really a career change (a potter in any other position is still a potter) comes from the encouragement of fellow artists and teachers."You'll still have the summers to do your work and the paycheck to fund it!"